September 21, 2015

Garden & Gracie

"Here's to Dogs and Digging"

Last week, you met our Jack Russell, Gracie, and learned about Russian Sage. This week, it's all about Gladiolas and Gracie's friend, Jay.

Jay is an 8 month old Goldendoodle. He belongs to our friends, the Park family. Last Thursday, they were feasting in traditional Korean style - which meant they would be seated on the ground with a table about coffee table height. This, obviously, would pose a problem if you have a rambunctious puppy who wants to get your food. So, my lovely daughter had the honor of dogsitting; which meant for 3 hours we had to figure out how to keep our 9 year old Gracie from tearing youthful Jay's sweet face off.

Meet Jay:

Jay, actually sitting still for a moment.

Now, for the first 30 minutes Gracie was peachy keen to have Jay over. She sprinted around the yard like her slender and spry former self. But then, it was this...

I'm pooped. Yes, I'll check you out one more time...sigh

And then the final 2 hours were spent with Jay pining away downstairs, while Gracie was upstairs doing this...

Finally, sleep!

Ah, the dog's life! Happy Monday everyone. Yes, we were supposed to get to Glads, but that face is just too cute not to end on. 

Until next time...

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